Video Emotionant – Cainele isi ia ramas bun de la stapan

Video Emotionant – Cainele isi ia ramas bun de la stapan

Cainele isi ia ramas bun de la stapan

Ryan Jessen si-a iubit din tot sufletul catelul sau cel putin asa spun prietenii si rudele acestuia. Din pacate, tanarul a murit de curand din cauza unei hemoragii.
In ultimele momente din viata sa, conducerea spitalului a permis familiei sale sa-i aduca mult iubitul catel – Molly – pentru a-si vedea pentru ultima data stapanul.

Postarea de pe facebook scrisa de Michelle, sora lui Ryan:

„Spitalul ne-a acordat permisiunea de a o aduce pe Molly, catelusa fratelui meu, pentru a-si lua ramas bun de la acesta, astfel incat sa stie de ce stapanul ei nu se mai intoarce. Daca mi-ati fi cunoscut fratele, ati fi stiut cu siguranta cat de mult si-a iubit catelul”.

Momentul induiosator a fost filmat si a fost partajat de Michelle pe reteaua de socializare Facebook.

Cainele isi ia ramas bun de la stapan

In filmulet veti putea vedea tristetea de pe fata catelusei, unde se observa ca aceasta este constienta de gravitatea situatiei. Puteti vedea filmuletul mai jos:


Rideout Memorial Hospital did the sweetest thing for us and allowed us to bring my brother’s dog in to „say goodbye” so she’d know why her human never came home. If you knew my brother, he really loved his sweet dog. (So many people have asked – He thought he had a migraine, but it was a ventricular brain hemorrhage. They think it was brought on by high blood pressure, and there’s speculation that his frequent consumption of energy drinks may have contributed. THANK YOU to everybody for the outpouring of support, but I won’t be responding anymore. We are sincerely touched and humbled by others’ stories, their sharing in our sadness and the kindness of so many people. Don’t worry about the dog! We’re keeping her!!! She’s part of the family.) To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email

Posted by Michelle Jessen on 1 Decembrie 2016

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